
No research method has changed the market research landscape more than online surveys.  Rapid data collection and value has made online research the preferred methodology today.  However it is not without limitations.  Categorical and metric questions can only go so far to answering the research objectives, and open-ended responses lack the probing and clarifying of telephone surveys.  To fill this void, we have developed focusVIZ.

What is focusVIZ?

focusVIZ is an add-on to our online surveys when a clearly defined research objective needs to be answered.  Online respondents who meet an exact criteria (recent purchasers, trier-rejectors, dissatisfied with a product or service, etc.) are asked to particpate in an indepth chat.

Upon agreeing to the chat, the respondent is redirected to one of our qualitative moderators via an online chat.  The respondent is then given the opportunity to call the moderator via a toll-free number or continuing the online chat.

What makes focusVIZ so valuable?


focusVIZ allow us to bring clarity to a typical online survey.  Professional qualitative moderators conduct one-on-one chats or discussions with respondents meeting targeted criteria.  We prefer the respondent call the moderator for a verbal discussion instead of the online chat.  There are many advantages to the verbal discussion.


  • Allows for a fluid conversation, back and

    forth dialogue between respondent and


  • Voice patterns (excitement, apprehension,

    anger, etc.) can be heard and used to drill

    down the question path.

  • A 15 minute online chat can be conducted

    in under 5 minutes with a discussion.

  • Both moderator and respondent can

    concentrate on answer the questions

    instead of worrying about typing and

    grammatical errors